How to increase feature adoption the right way

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Story Duration: 4min

It was Sunday morning, and I was craving a nice brunch...

And why not try something new

—opening Google Maps...

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Avatar displaying current emotion

Oh... what's that?

Wait... What?!?!

I thought I already had 2-step verification enabled... Did someone hack me?! 

That doesn't look good... Let's double check {CLICK}

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Avatar displaying current emotion

Oohhh... So it is on! Phewww...

Create Accurate Prompts

You have a few seconds to convince someone to interact with a notification, so every interruption should be necessary and accurate, especially when you want users to adopt new features.

Also, this is the first touchpoint of the interaction, and first impressions can make or break a relationship.1

1Forbes, Building Relationships In Digital Channels (2022)


But I'm so confused... What was that notification?!

I guess they want to increase awareness around security?


And I just noticed... there's an "Already on" option!?!

Do they NOT know I have it on?

I mean... come on.

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Oh well...

Might as well look at the other security features...

Safe browsing... Looks interesting...

...But is it the kind of thing that will block everything when I surf the web?

Break down barriers early

When people see something new, they'll have questions (even doubts).1

The best way to convince them to try something is to address those questions as they come to mind.

If not, people will find something else to do... like eating brunch.

1insideBE, How To Understand What’s Stopping Customers From Doing What You Want Them To Do (2022)
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And now that I think about it... Why isn't this a default feature

Especially if it helps everyone?

Set expectations by default 

When interrupting users to enable a new feature, ensure it's not something expected. It'll reduce the perceived value of the interaction. 

🎯 Pro tip: Instead, turn them on by default and gradually onboard new people when they start reaping the benefits of that feature (creating delightful moments!)1

1AppCues, Feature Adoption Guide (2021)

Oh well.. there are too many unanswered questions, so I'll pass, but—

—how would you improve this screen to increase adoption?

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Like this!

We used 5 principles that can improve any feature release...

2. Benefits
1. Novelty effect
3. Breaking user barriers
4. Exclusivity

1. The Novelty Effect

We react positively to new things, so make sure it's well shown.

2. Clear Benefits

Benefits shouldn't be hidden. They should be the first thing you see.

3. Breaking user barriers

Always answer questions before they arise. That's also why you need solid user research.

4. Exclusivity

Finally, giving people a sense of exclusivity (when it's true!) is a good way of raising the psych.

5. Feedforward

CTAs should be self-descriptive of what's about to happen.

5. Feedforward
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Now, before you go...

Get your checklist for more ways to boost feature adoption, plus

...Oh, and one last thing

we also included a bonus example from LinkedIn of a perfect adoption technique!

Feature Adoption Checklist

Get this free bonus that contains:

  • CHECKLIST: 5 strategies to boost adoption of your new features.
  • BONUS EXAMPLE: See how LinkedIn uses a powerful technique to increase adoption of one feature.
  • INSIGHTS: the top 3 psychology & UX tips covered here (with screenshots).

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